Tre Antiquorum auktionskataloger OMEGAMANIA, The Mondani Collection of Rolex Wristwatches samt Important Collecters Wristwatches, Pocket Watches  Clocks 3

Tre Antiquorum auktionskataloger: OMEGAMANIA, The Mondani Collection of Rolex Wristwatches samt Important Collecter's Wristwatches, Pocket Watches & Clocks (3)

Antiquorum auktionskatalog fra Omegamania auktionen 2007. 600 siders auktionskatalog fra det berømte OMEGAMANIA salg i april 2007. Antiquorum 400 siders auktionskatelog fra The Mondani Collection of Rolex Wristwatches, 2006. Antiquorum 400 siders auktionskatelog fra Important Collector's Wristwatches, Pocket Watches & Clocks, 2007. (3)

Lauritz - DK, Helsingør, Støberivej
2011-01-17 14:47:00
575 DKK

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