1879. Telegraphs. 5 £. Victoria Telegraphs, orange. A very fine copy with perfect perforation, cancelled LOTHBURY AU 12 81. Scarce.

1879. Telegraphs. 5 £. Victoria Telegraphs, orange. A very fine copy with perfect perforation, cancelled LOTHBURY AU 12 81. Scarce.

1879. Telegraphs. 5 £. Victoria Telegraphs, orange. A very fine copy with perfect perforation, cancelled LOTHBURY AU 12 81. Scarce.

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http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
2012-11-07 12:06:00
3 200 DKK

Avslutade auktioner liknande 1879. Telegraphs. 5 £. Victoria Telegraphs, orange. A very fine copy with perfect perforation, cancelled LOTHBURY AU 12 81. Scarce.